October, 15 2024

The Breath of Life

There is a simple, primal gesture that reminds us of who we are.
A gesture that is born with us yet escapes us in the rush of life:
the breath.

Each time you inhale, it’s not just air you are welcoming.
It’s space.
Your muscles stretch, they open like the wings of a bird ready to soar.
And in that moment, you understand: you are letting go.
but how do we choose to welcome? How do we choose to make space?

That is the act of exhalation: an act of creation.

The muscles contract, they gather like a flower at sunset,
Have no resistance, no strain.
It’s the natural flow of the body, of life expanding and gathering.

No need to control.
And as you let it go, let it flow, as you inhale, then create space.
without rush, without tension.

In this slow movement, we discover the secret of living.

With each breath, we learn:
To expand in front of the unknown,
To contact only to find our centre again,
to let life move through us, without resistance.

We are the breath, and within the breath, we find the space
to be, to welcome, to live.

Thank you Maia for this photo!