Valentina Auliso

Helping you connect to who you truly are through yoga – mindfulness – and meditation.

Online, in Toffia and in Sabina.

“My experience with Valentina was out of my word. It’s a transformative and magical experience,

Valentina makes yoga and meditation approachable and not a mysterious divine thing outside of people’s reach. "

My Services

My Services

Nourishing your soul requires making space and time, both mentally and physically. When you sign up for a single session or a group workshop, you’ll take the first step to a greater, naturally evolving connection with yourself.
I work with beginners and longtime yoga or holistic practitioners, bringing my approach to give you new ways to improve your current practice, look within, surpass challenges or get recharged with a fresh start!
I am here to support you in creating more harmony with yourself and the world around you.


Recharge, revive and thrive! With my unique body movement and meditation classes.
Helping you connect your mind – your body – and your soul by discovering your body and gaining peace of mind and well-being.
Harmony know and take care of your body / seeing the benefits in your daily life

Group Classes in Toffia (Rieti) or private classes; I offer a consistent practice you can ease into, send me a message to book your class.

Yoga or Meditation sessions online or live in person, from the comfort of your home.

Pre-recorded QiYoga sessions in your inbox to motivate you to keep your practice going with classes, meditations and extra inspiration.

Seminars and retreats

Plan your escape from the city and the stress of work or life’s pressures to recharge with our Wellbeing Get-Away and Workshops for Inner and Outer Exploration.

Next Group Retreat! September 21th-22th 2024, check out my events to get all the info
• Immerse yourself in Sabina – with a day out for yoga – olive oil tasting & more!

Starting each day with Qi Yoga or a relaxing meditation, our small group will venture inward and outward.

Enjoying medieval villages, nature walks, and meditation near a rolling stream in a sustainable living Food Forest, along with delicious zero-kilometre Italian organic meals

Are you travelling solo or wishing to have your very own holistic escape?
Ask about joining single-day experiences in Sabina!

My Events

My Events

Check out my upcoming events.

April 10-14, 2024

Into Your Roots'', an inner and outer exploration with Yoga & Ayurveda

5-Day or Weekend program with plenty of Yoga and Ayurveda nestled in Sabine hills.


Join us! Full Yoga and cultural program April 10-14, 2024 Or sign up for our Weekend program April 12-14, 2024


Toffia (Rieti), Italy • Italy’s Sabine Hills

September 21-22 2024 (or stay until the 23rd!)

Yoga Days ''Into Your Roots'', Autumn Equinox Special Edition with Yoga, good food and outer exploration

A full immersion with yoga, olive trees meditation and delicious homemade food in Sabina on September 21-22, 2024 or stay one more day until the 23rd of September!


From 21st Sept. - 22rd Sept. 2024, (morning to evening program) Or optional stay until the 23rd.


Toffia (Rieti)


Healing Practices has been such an incredibly heart warming and beautiful experience. My husband and I spend 4 amazing days In Toffia and I have learned the importance of embracing every moment, every sound and every scent. It was a true blessing. The personalized retreat that Valentina created for me and my husband, has given us ways to express our feelings. From meditation, breathing techniques, walks in the forest, sounds of nature surrounding us, it was a totally unique and special experience that I will treasure until I am able to visit again. Thank you Valentina for this beautiful experience, it truly was special! YOU are special.


Oggi è stata un'esperienza importante per me: Ho finalmente risposto ai miei profondi dubbi... È come se avessi finalmente fermato un martello pneumatico che mi stava trafiggendo la testa, non perché avessi fisicamente un mal di testa, ma perché per settimane ho continuato a rimuginare sullo stesso pensiero che era così negativo per me. Infine, Valentina mi ha dato una lettura così significativa dell'intera situazione. Le sono veramente grata per il suo lavoro. Chissà per quanto tempo avrei continuato a sentirmi svuotata se lei, con una finezza professionale che non avevo mai incontrato prima, non mi avesse chiarito davvero cosa stava succedendo. Ho apprezzato il suo stile leggero e giusto allo stesso tempo, senza domande troppo invasive, tutta la seduta è stata veramente coinvolgente ma non invadente. Grazie, mi ha dato molto e mi è rimasto impresso.


I can not put into words how magical and healing it was working with Valentina. I felt the presence of Source/Creator so much, I was drenched in unconditional love and light, I felt a strong warmth, and began to speak in my love-light language like never before during our session. I healed current and past timelines and traumas. I feel brand new and a peace I have not felt in a very long time. She is the real thing and I give my full recommendation!


Bellissima esperienza, un viaggio mistico che ti porta lì dove il tuo cuore deve essere sanato. Grazie alla cura e attenzione di Valentina che con amorevole presenza ti porta fin dove ognuno di noi riesce a scendere in profondità. ❤️ Di sicuro un esperienza da ripetere ed approfondire x sciogliere i nodi del cuore.


I had an amazing session with Valentina! Her approach is so heart centered and made me feel 100% comfortable. With her guidance I was able to connect deeply, heal and understand some of my past. I left the session feeling happier and lighter than I ever have felt! She is gifted and such a sweet soul!


Esperienza profonda. Un viaggio all interno e a ritroso...ovunque serva andare, lei ti porta là. Necessario in un percorso evolutivo. Vale sei donna potente e speciale, grata di averti incontrata🙏.


Valentina was recommended to me by a friend who spoke so highly of Valentina and her healing session. I’m so happy that through my friend I was able to find this amazing healer who’s powers of healing is deep and softly channeled and guided. Our session was remotely conducted which I wasn’t sure was going to be as powerful to make changes I needed in my life as prior to this moment I’d only done face to face healing. It was equally powerful and I’ve really benefited from my session. During the session I felt safe and supported by Valentina and she gave my strength when I needed it. I’m clearer and stronger plus I have a deeper understanding of things and a deeper connection with myself. If you are thinking about receiving healing - I absolutely recommend Valentina. We need more true wonderful healers like Valentina.


Questo primo approccio alle pratiche olistiche è stato a dir poco fantastico! Sembrava essere tutto parte di un puzzle: i luoghi, le attività e le persone erano incredibilmente connessi tra loro, tutto grazie anche alla presenza di Valentina, di cui mi era già stato parlato più che bene, ma che di persona ha reso mille volte di più. Un viaggio introspettivo in cui Valentina, prendendoti 'per mano', ti accompagna alla riscoperta di te stesso, e di tutto ciò che non sapevi di avere dentro. Più che consigliato!


I came across Valentina’s work 2yrs ago when I was experiencing a difficult time in my life where nothing was making any sense and I was feeling lost. Somehow, the Universe always presents us with what we need at the right time and place, so I met John and Valentina at a workshop and immediately I knew in my heart that it was going to be ok. She has helped me a lot to overcome my emotional and physical body never giving up on me. After a few classes with them I could see and feel a big difference, a transformation. Has been an amazing and fun experience which I will always be grateful for. Valentina is very welcoming and professional with an amazing heart. Thank you Valentina.


The holistic and personalised approach of Valentina is not easy to describe with a few words. She is a bomb! Valentina is a very sensitive person ready to listen and give spiritual-energetic help but also practical one! John has a huge knowledge on food but also amazing recipes! Much suggested also for online sessions.


One session with Valentina allowed me to create a very strong shift in my life. I was able to clear blockages and move forward in life from multiple situation I was stuck on. It resolved painful family relationship and difficult work situation. Valentina is truly gifted in her ability to tap into the energy and bring clarity. Being supported by her energy i was able to see my potential and have courage to own it. She also gave me tools and directions on how to move forward. I am truly grateful.


My session with Valentina was wonderful. She is so easy to talk to and has such a warm presence and kind soul. She was easily able to tap into my energy and help me with something I was stuck on. She was able to give me some practical tips as well as guidance. She truly has a gift!


Val is simply GREAT. I love the way she approaches problems and her positive attitude towards them, no matter what, she always find the bright side. Do not know what else to say other than I am so glad I met you.


I have been doing healing practices with Valentina since 2020 and I have to say that she is amazing. Every time, I can feel the shift. She has been playing a fundamental role in my growth. I absolutely recommend her services.


I met Vale at a very strange time of my life, and I got so far by learning to stay, to listen, to recognize my truth self. Vale gently guided me along this path with deep kindness and extreme care. Thank you, beautiful soul ❤️.


Valentina is an amazing heart-centered practitioner. Her healing session gave me the clarity I needed to resolve a blockage I had been holding onto. She created a safe and her gentle guidance and techniques made it so easy to work through a soul retrieval. I am forever grateful for her kind words and assistance.


Sono stata 2 giorni a scoprire un primo assaggio di ciò che l'olismo può portare e ne sono stata contenta ed appagata. Ho sbloccato pezzi di me che non sapevo di avere. Consigliatissimo a chi vuole sempre crescere e migliorare se stesso e la propria esperienza di vita.


Bellissima e inaspettata scoperta! Valentina è stata una guida dolcissima e molto paziente: abbiamo dovuto rimandare l'incontro a causa mia diverse volte, ma alla fine ce l'abbiamo fatta e l'attesa è stata ripagata da entrambe! Consiglio di far almeno una prova per poi giudicare voi stessi! Grazie Vale!!


Bellissima esperienza, grazie Valentina sei stata fantastica.


I joined this retreat on a whim. And left it in a state of immense gratitude! I have done yoga retreats before. This was so much more in many ways. It was inclusive, diverse, welcoming, spiritual, delicious and heartwarming. Valentina and her partners cultivated a one-of-a-kind experience. Appropriate for all levels. The only requirement was to join the group with an open heart and kindness. If offered, I will most surely sign up every year.


This retreat lovingly organized by Valentina was pure perfection. A well-thought-out mixtureof gentle yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, cultural visits to Medieval towns, learning about localsustainability practices, and wonderdul meals with healthy, natural, locally-sourceddeliciousness. All this, compasionately shared together with a group of people from all walksof life, with varied backgrounds and motivations for showing up and being present. Andbeing present is exactly where we remained for the 4 days, adjusting to uncooperativeweather as needed, and maintaining our sense of adventure and fun. Good for the soul, Ivery highly recommend!


Life is short. If you are on this page contemplating the experiences described here, let mebe your catalyst to take the leap. I just completed a four day journey with Valentina in Toffiaand, contemplating the fragile almost impossible confluence of events that got me there, fillsme with serendipitous marvel and complete gratitude. The experience was part culturalsojourn, part inner reflection and rejuvenation, part communal connection with lovelyhumans, part soul nourishment and 100% magical. It was authentic and immersive -- abeautiful way to experience a different country and culture while restoring your balance andinner peace. Just do it.

My wellness practitioner journey

My wellness practitioner journey

Born and raised in Rome, Italy, I have been a holistic student and teacher of wellness practices for individuals and groups for a dozen years. It’s my passion to help people connect with themselves so they can connect in new ways to the world outside themselves.

A curious lifelong learner, I studied International Relations with a Master’s Degree in Journalism. It was while working in human rights and social justice, that I decided the world could some help fixing our broken places – one person at a time.
It was then that I decided to fuse my passion and practice, my intuition and spiritual connection, and human relations expertise to help guide people to wellness – from the inside > out.

Certified practitioner of Qigong, meditation, and Reiki healer I worked in Brighton, England before returning to the Roman countryside. Recently, I completed my certification as a Sivananda Yoga Teacher after studying at the Yoga Vedanta Sivananda Dhanwantari Ashram in India.

I teach yoga classes in my village, Toffia and in Sabina and organize events and retreats in my village, nestled in natural beauty.
My goal is to bring people together to experience the power of yoga and meditation while enjoying the beauty, history, food, and scenery of the Roman countryside; each event is an opportunity to connect with our inner peace while merging into the local community; its delicious food and timeless traditions.

Hours TTC professional training at Yoga Vedanta Sivananda Dhanwantari Ashram in India

Years of experience in the holistic wellness field.

Social inclusion projects in which I have participated as a young expert or trainer.

Local and international associations I have worked with and actively participated in.

Countries visited many of which were for study and project management purposes.

Languages I speak and understand: english, french, portuguese, polish, spanish and italian.



A few memories shared with my customers, connecting history and nature.

  • All
  • Yoga
  • Retreats
  • Seminars
  • Toffia



Where Healing Flows Through Poetic Journeys

October, 15 2024

The Breath of Life

August, 19 2024

Light and Earth

A Poem

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+39 371 521 2175